95 余承威




畢業年度 :  96學年 

工作單位 :  安國科技

職      稱 :  資深工程師

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  1. C. C. Wang, T. F. Yen and C. W. Yu, ''An improved rate control for video communication of H.264/AVC standard,'' The 2008 International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP2008), vol. 1, pp. 436-440, Sanya, Hainan, China, 27-30 May 2008
  2. C. W. Yu, C. C. Wang and J. Y. Kao, "An improved rate control for low delay video communication of H.264/AVC standard," The 20th IPPR Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing Symposium (CVGIP 2007), pp.216-223, Mouli, Taiwan, 2007.08
  3. C. C. Wang, C. J. Lo and C. W. Yu, “Efficient motion estimation using sorting-based partial distortion search,” IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 2006 (ICME 2006), pp.153-156, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, July 9-12 2006. (NSC 94-2213-E-214-019)