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- C. C. Wang, C. W. Tung and R. H. Chiou, “Efficient algorithm for early detecting all-zero DCT block in H.264 video encoding”, The 22th IPPR Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing Symposium (CVGIP 2009), Nantou Taiwan, 2009.08
- C. C. Wang, T. S. Chen, and C. W. Tung, “Fast intra-mode decision in H.264 using interblock correlation,” IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2006), pp.1345-1349, Atlanta, GA, USA, Oct. 8-11 2006.
- C. C. Wang, C. W. Tung and J. Y. Kao, “A fast encoding algorithm for vector quantization using dynamic subvector technique,” 2005Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP 2005), Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5960, pp.1-12, Beijing China, 12-15 July, 2005.