



畢業年度 :  92學年 

工作單位 :  建騰創達公司

職      稱 :  主任工程師

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  1. 高榮揚,王周珍,蔡壽軒,“結合源端與通道碎形影像編碼系統,”Workshop on Consumer Electronics 2003, WCE2003 Proceedings, pp.86-, Tainan, Nov. 27-28 2003. (NSC 91-2218-E-214-004)
  2. C. C. Wang, T. S. Chen, P. W. Su, and S. H. Tsai, “Joint source-channel coding for image over noisy channel,” 2005 Conference on Electronic Communication and Applications, pp.395-400, Kaoushiung, April 2005.
  3. C. C. Wang, L. C. Lin and S. H. Tsai, “Fast fractal encoding algorithm using law of cosines,” The 47th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (IEEE MWSCAS), vol. 1, pp.233-236, Hiroshima Japan, July. 25-28 2004. (NSC 92-2213-E-214-047)