



畢業年度 :  92學年

工作單位 :  明泰科技 

職      稱 :  資深工程師

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  1. 王周珍,羅家容,林良錡,“以區塊向量轉換為架構之碎形影像壓縮技術,”2004 National Symposium on Telecommunications, pp.1108-1113, Keelung Taiwan, Dec. 3-4 2004. (NSC 92-2213-E-214-047)
  2. C. C. Wang, J. Y. Kao and L. C. Lin, “A Fast Fractal Image Coding Using Pyramid Structure of Image Blocks,” The 2004 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS 2004), pp.89-92, Tainan Taiwan, Dec. 6-9 2004. (NSC 92-2213-E-214-047)
  3. C. C. Wang, L. C. Lin and S. H. Tsai, “Fast fractal encoding algorithm using law of cosines,” The 47th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (IEEE MWSCAS), vol. 1, pp.233-236, Hiroshima Japan, July. 25-28 2004. (NSC 92-2213-E-214-047)