




畢業年度 :  91學年 

工作單位 :  工業技術研究院(ITRI) 



職      稱 :  經理(前瞻計畫主持人)


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  1. Chou-Chen Wang, Jung-Yang Kao, I-An Chen, Hsiang-Chun Wang  "A Fast H.264 Video Encoder Based on a Digital Signal Processor"  2014IS3C, Taichung 2014.6
  2. 周明順,林俊廷,高榮揚,王周珍 "品質可調之高效能SHVC 快速編碼器" ETS電子工程技術研討會, 高雄 2014.5
  3. 王武群、賴昶傑、王周珍、高榮揚, ''應用於H.264視訊標準之高效率全零區塊偵測演算法,'' 2007年全國電信研討會, pp.901-905, 台北, 2007.11 
  4. 鄒佳憲、葉則汎、高榮揚、王周珍, ''應用於H.264之快速框內/框間模式決策,'' 2007年全國電信研討會, pp.151-155, 台北, 2007.11 全國性研討會  
  5. 高榮揚,王周珍,蔡壽軒,“結合源端與通道碎形影像編碼系統,”Workshop on Consumer Electronics 2003, WCE2003 Proceedings, pp.86-, Tainan, Nov. 27-28 2003. (NSC 91-2218-E-214-004)
  6. C. W. Yu, C. C. Wang and J. Y. Kao, "An improved rate control for low delay video communication of H.264/AVC standard," The 20th IPPR Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing Symposium (CVGIP 2007), pp.216-223, Mouli, Taiwan, 2007.08
  7. C. C. WangJ. Y. Kao and Y. K. Lin, “Efficient motion estimation using a sorting-based early termination algorithm in H.264 video coding,” IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM 2006), pp.31-36, San Diego, USA, Dec. 11-13 2006.
  8. C. C. Wang, C. J. Lai, J. Y. Kao and C. J. Lo, “An efficient motion estimation using a sorting-based early termination algorithm in H.264 video coding,” The 19th IPPR Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing Symposium (CVGIP 2006), pp. 139-146, Taoyuan Taiwan, 13-15 Aug. 2006.
  9. C. C. Wang, J. S. Tzou, J. Y. Kao and T. S. Chen, “Efficient correlation based intra mode selection in H.264/AVC,” The 19th IPPR Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing Symposium (CVGIP 2006), pp.1340-1345, Taoyuan Taiwan, 13-15 Aug. 2006.
  10. C. C. Wang, C. W. Tung and J. Y. Kao, A fast encoding algorithm for vector quantization using dynamic subvector technique,” 2005Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP 2005), Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5960, pp.1-12, Beijing China, 12-15 July, 2005.
  11. C. C. Wang, J. Y. Kao and L. C. Lin, “A Fast Fractal Image Coding Using Pyramid Structure of Image Blocks,” The 2004 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS 2004), pp.89-92, Tainan Taiwan, Dec. 6-9 2004. (NSC 92-2213-E-214-047)
  12. F. F. Yu, C. C. Wang and, J. Y. Kao, “Fast fractal image coding using variance pyramid of image blocks,” Workshop on Consumer Electronics 2002, WCE2002 Proceedings I, pp. 259-263, December 2002. (NSC 90-2218-E-214-011)
  13. J. Y. Kao, C. C. Wang and F. F. Yu, “ Efficient 3D fractal video coding,” The 15th Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing Symposium (CVGIP’02), pp. 98-102, Aug. 25-27 2002. (NSC 90-2218-E-214-011)