



Dean of the College

Jaw-Town Lin, MD, PhD

TEL:886-7-6151100 ext.7005
Email :jawtown@isu.edu.tw


Present Position:

College of Medicine, I-Shou University
Kaohsiung County, Taiwan

E-Da Hospital, Kaohisung County, Taiwan

The Digestive Endoscopy Society of Taiwan (DEST)

Professor of Medicine,
Department of internal medicine,
National Taiwan University College of Medicine.

Staff Physician,
Section of Digestive Medicine,
Department of Internal Medicine
National Taiwan University Hospital



Bachelor of Medicine (1978)
College of Medicine, National Taiwan University

M.D., Ph.D. (1986)
The Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine
College of Medicine
National Taiwan University


Ph.D. Thesis:

Experimental Carcinogensis, and
Monoclonal Antibodies of Pancreatic Cancer

Training and academic appointment:

Resident in Department of Internal Medicine,
National Taiwan University Hospita
Chief Resident in the same department
Visiting Staff and Instructor
                                  Department of Internal Medicine
                                  National Taiwan University College of Medicine
Associate Professor and Staff Physician
                                  Department of Internal Medicine
                                  National Taiwan University College of Medicine,
                                  and National Taiwan University Hospital

Aug. 1990 to Dec. 1991
Visiting Associate in Gastroenterology
                                  NIDDK, National Institute of Health
                                  Bethesda, Maryland, USA
1992 to 1995
Associate Professor and Staff Physician
                                   Department of Internal Medicine,
                                   National Taiwan University College of Medicine,
1995 to present
Professor and Staff Physician
                                  Department of Internal Medicine
                                  National Taiwan University College of Medicine,
                                  and National Taiwan University Hospital
1995 -2008
Endoscopic Unit, National Taiwan University Hospital
Secretary , Medical Affairs.
                                National Taiwan University Hospital
                               Department of Internal Medicine,
                               National Taiwan University College of Medicine
                               National Taiwan University Hospital
2000 to 2006
Department of Primary Care Medicine,
National Taiwan University College of Medicine

2004 to 2007
Department of Internal Medicine,
National Taiwan University College of Medicine,
and National Taiwan University Hospital
2007 to present
The Digestive Endoscopy Society of Taiwan (DEST)
2008 to present
College of Medicine, I-Shou University
Kaohsiung County, Taiwan
2008 to present
E-Da Hospital, Kaohisung County, Taiwan


Administrative and committee responsibilities:

1996-present Coordinator, Multicentric clinical trials on gastric Maltoma
in Taiwan, Taiwan Health Research Institute (NHRI), Taiwan
2006-present Adjunct Principal Investigator, NHRI, Taiwan


Research experiences:

1982-1985●Early gastric cancer-diagnosis and treatment
1983-1987●Pancreatic cancer-clinical diagnosis, tumor markers, carcinogenesis, and monoclonal antibodies
1984-1986●Acute and chronic pancreatitis-diagnosis and treatment
1987-1990●Gastric remnant cancer-histopathology and flow cytometry analysis
1987-1992●Posttransfusion hepatitis and hepatitis C
1990-1992 ●Gut hormone, physiology and cellular biology
1992-presen ●H. pylori: epidemiology, microbiology, molecular biology,
clinical therapeutics, host susceptibility
1992-present ●Gastric cancer-epidemiology, histopathology,
diagnosis, molecular biology, therapeutics
1999-present●GERD-epidemiology,, pathophysiology, diagnosis, , therapeutics,


Research interests:

Gastric cancer, H.pylori, peptic ulcer, GERD, Acid-related GI disorders, Colorectal neoplasms, Biliary disorders, Pancreatic cancer and pancreatitis, Diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy, Molecular biology


Research projects in the recent three years

2002-2005   Host susceptibility and host-microbe interactions in the development and progression of gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid lymphoma [NSC project], PI

2002-2005   Characterization of subsets of gastric cancer by combined clinicopathologic, microsatellite and cDNA microarray analyses [NSC project], PI


Awards and honors:

*Research Award, Association of Medical Ultrasound of Taiwan, 1985
*Outstanding Research Award, The Gastroenterologic Society of Taiwan, 1988
*Outstanding Research Award, Professor Juei-Low Sung's Research Foundation, 1990
*Outstanding Research Award, National Science Council, 1995-1996
*Outstanding Research Award, National Science Council, 1996-1997
*Outstanding Research Award, National Science Council, 1997-1998
*Excellent Research Award, National Science Council, 1998-2000
*Outstanding Research Award, National Science Council, 2000-2001
*Excellent Research Award, National Science Council, 2002-2003
*Chairman, Reviewing Committee of Research Granting of National Science Council, Division of Internal Medicine(II).2004-2005
* Excellent Research Award for Team Work (Team---Helicobacter pylori and gastric cancer study group) of National Taiwan University Hospital, 2006.



Pancreatology, Hepatology,? Gastroenterology, Molecular biology, Helicobacter, Abdominal? ultrasonography, Endoscopy.



Gastroenterology, Cancer, Am. J. Gastroenterol, Int. J. Cancer, Lancet Oncology, Br. J Cancer, Int. J. Cancer, Carcinogenesis, Eur J Cancer,

Hepato-Gastroenterology, J. Formosan Med. Assoc, J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol., Helicobacter, Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics.ect.


Regional Editor:

Hepato-Gastroenterology, ?Helicobacter. Digestive Endoscopy


Memberships and Certifications:

International Association of Surgeons and Gastroenterologists (IASG)
American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE)
Formosan Medicine Association
Gastroenterological Society of Taiwan
Digestive Endoscopy Society of Taiwan






Associate Dean for Administration



   Chao-Tien Hsu, MD, PhD


Associate Dean of Medical Education




   Charity TC Tsai, MD, MSc, PhD

China Medical University

University of Calgary, MSc in Medical Education program

University of Calgary, PhD in Medical Education program

Academic and Administrative appointment:

Present: Associate Dean in Medical Education, I-Shou University College of Medicine

Attending physician, Department of Pediatrics, E-Da Hospital  

Former:   Director, Department of Pediatrics, Taipei Medical University WanFang Hospital

Vice Director, Department of Education and Research, Taipei Medical University WanFang Hospital

           Vice Director, Faculty of Medicine, Taipei Medical University

Assistant professor, Institute of Medical Humanities Taipei Medical University

Assistant Dean, National Cheng-Kung University College of Medicine

Assistant professor, National Cheng-Kung University College of Medicine

          Director, Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Mackay Memorial Hospital


Professional Services:

2008- : Member, Taiwan Medical Education Association

2008- : Member, Taiwan Medical Education Association, OSCE steering committeeAcademic committee

2008- : Chair, Taiwan Medical Education Association, Continuing medical education committee

2008- : Member, the Department of Health, the Disciplinary committee for physician

2008-:  Member, the Sino-American Economic Council's Committee on Medicine

2007 - : Accreditation visitor the Department of Health, in Teaching Hospital, PGY program

2006- : Committee member, TNAC (Taiwan Nursing Accreditation Council)

2006- : The National Health Research Institutes (NHRI) the Center for Health Policy Research and Development,Medical Educational integration subcommittee

2006 - : TMAC (Taiwan Medical Accreditation Council) functional member

2008 - : the Department of Health, accreditation visitor in Teaching Hospital

2008- : Chair, General Pediatrics Board, Taiwanese Pediatric Association

2009/1-2009/12 Committee member, the Department of Health, Medical Ethics committee 

2008- : Chair, Pediatric Nursing Specialist Board, Taiwanese Pediatric Association

2003-2008: Member of Educational Board, Taiwanese Pediatric Association

2003-2008: Member of Academic Board, Taiwanese Pediatric Association

2004-2008: Member of Editorial Board of Pediatr Neonatol


Professional Record

1981 - 1982: Internship

                   National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei

1982 - 1983: Residency

Department of Pediatrics, Provincial Taoyuan Hospital

1983 - 1987:  Residency

Department of Pediatrics, Mackay Memorial Hospital

1987 - 1988: Attending physician and Director

Department of Pediatrics, Mackay Memorial Hospital Taitung Branch, Taitung, Taiwan

1988 – 1989: Clinical observer

Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Variety Club Children Hospital, University of Minnesota, MN, USA

1988 - 1997: Attending physician

Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taiwan

1997 -1998:   Research assistant

Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Alberta Children Hospital, Calgary, Canada

2002-2006:  Consultant of NCKU Medical School (Medical Education)

2003-2005:  Consultant of Fu-Jen Catholic University college of Medicine (Medical Education)

2003-2006:  Senior attending staff

Department of Pediatrics, Mackay Memorial Hospital

– 2006: Academic executive

Preparatory Office of Mackay Medical School

2006-2007:  Assistant Dean of medical education,

Assistant professor, Department of medicine,

National Cheng-Kung University Medical College

2007- 2010: Director, Department of Pediatrics, Taipei Medical University

Department of Pediatrics and Education/ Research, WangFang Hospital

2010-present: Associate Dean, I-Shou University College of Medicine, E-Da Hospital


Professional license

Taiwan Medical License

Pediatric Board License (兒專醫字000976) 1989/10/14-2013/10/13

Pediatric Emergency (臺兒急專醫字)00236 

Associate Professor Certificate(副教授證書副字第037830教育部)2009-03-17  


Publication:    (in recent 5 years)

1.Tsuen-Chiuan Tsai, M.D., Peter H. Harasym, Ph.D., Cheri Nijssen-Jordan, and Greg Powell, The Quality Of A Simulation Examination Using A High Fidelity Child Mannequin  Med Educ 37(s1),72-78. 2003 Nov.

2.Lu HJ, Tsai JD, Sheu JC, Tzen CY, Tsai TC, Lin CC, Huang FY. Kimura disease in a patient with renal allograft failure secondary to chronic rejection. Pediatr Nephrol. Oct;18(10):1069-72. 2003

3.Tsuen-Chiuan Tsai, Using children as standardized patients for assessing clinical competence in pediatrics. Arch Dis Child 89 (12): 1117-1120, Dec. 2004

4.Tsuen-Chiuan Tsai, M.D., Peter H. Harasym, Ph.D., Cheri Nijssen-Jordan, and Greg Powell, Learning gains derived from a high fidelity simulation in emergency department J Formos Med Assoc 105 (1):94-98, 2006

5. JD Tsai, FU Huang, CC Lin, TC Tsai, HC Lee, and JC Sheu. Intermittent hydronephrosis secondary to ureteropelvic junction obstruction: clinical and imaging features. Pediatrics. 2006 Jan;117(1):139-46.

6.Tsai TC, Harasym PH. Challenges of pediatric residency education in Taiwan. Acta Pediatrica Sinica. 47(1):3-6, 2006

7.Tsuen-Chiuan Tsai . Psychosocial effects on caregivers for children in Taiwan on chronic peritoneal dialysis. Kidney Int. 2006 Dec;70(11):1983-7

8.Tsuen-Chiuan Tsai . University of Washington: a visiting report in General Medicine. J Med Education. Jan. 10(1): 86-88, 2006

9.Tsuen-Chiuan Tsai,1 Pei-Jung Chang,2 Shin-Yuan Fang, 2 Chyi-Her Lin3. A Mannequin-based Simulation on Teaching Emergent Crisis Care. J Med Education, 10(2): 115-125, 2006

10.Sheu JC, Koh CC, Chang PY, Wang NL, Tsai JD, Tsai TC. Ureteropelvic junction obstruction in children: 10 years' experience in one institution.
Pediatr Surg Int. 2006 Jun;22(6):519-23

11.Tsai YC, Tsai TC, Tsaf JD, Huang FY, Lin CC, Sheu JC. Clinical analysis of chronic peritoneal dialysis related peritonitis in children. Pediatr Neonatol. 2006 Mar-Apr;47(2):72-6

12.Tsuen-Chiuan Tsai, Chyi-Her Lin, Chung-Lin Chen, Co-Chi Chao, Taung-Lieh Yeh, Jing-Jane Tsai, Yin-Fan Chang. Analysis of OSCE results: experience in National Cheng Kung University Medical College. J Med Education 10 (4):313-23, 2006

13.Huang DTN, Tsai TC, Huang FY, Tsai JW, Chiu NC, Lin CC. Clinical differentiation of acute pyelonephritis from lower urinary tract infection in children. Journal of microbiology, immunology and infection. J Microbiol Immunol Infect. 2007;40:513-517

14.Tsai TC. Resistance to educational change: management and communication. Pediatr Neonatol.48:3-6, 2007

15.Tsai TC, Lin CH, Harasym PH, Violato C. Students' perception on medical professionalism: the psychometric perspective. Med Teach. 2007 Mar;29(2-3):128-34. 

16.Peter H. Harasym, Tsuen-Chiuan Tsai, and Payman Hemmati. Current trends in developing medical students’ critical thinking abilities. Kaohsiung J Med Sci July 2008. 24 (7) 341-354

17.Tsuen-Chiuan Tsai. The Use of Medical Cognition in Medical Curriculum Reform in Taiwan. Pediatr Neonatol 2008;49(3):53−57

18.Tsai TCChiu WDWang HJLien GSSuk FMKuo YTShu MI. The use of portfolio in internship clinical education. J of Med Edu 12(1): 8-19.2008.

19.Lee MD, Lin CC, Huang FY, Tsai TC, Huang CT, Tsai JD. Screening young children with a first febrile urinary tract infection for high-grade vesicoureteral reflux with renal ultrasound scanning and technetium-99m-labeled dimercaptosuccinic acid scanning. J Pediatr. 2009 Jun;154(6):797-802.

20.Tsuen-Chiuan Tsai, Peter H. Harasym, Sylvain Coderre, Kevin McLaughlin, & Tyrone Donnon. Assessing ethical problem solving by reasoning rather than decision making. Med Edu 2009: 43: 1188–1197

21.Ju-Chuan Yen,Tsuen-Chiuan Tsai, Min-Huei Hsu, Kung-Jiang Chang, Du-Jian Tsai, Wei-Hua Lee. The attitudes toward disclosure of medical errors: the perspectives of Taiwanese with different occupational backgrounds. Submit to The American Journal of Bioethics (BMC Health Services Research) 2009/11

22.Tsuen-Chiuan Tsai, Peter H. Harasym. An Ethical Reasoning Model: Contributions to Medical Education. (Accepted by Med Educ in 2010/03)


Associate Dean of International Affair and Center for Faculty Development (CFD)



Peter H. Harasym, Ph. D

  • TEL   : 07-6151100 ext. 7011 
  • Email:harasym@isu.edu.tw 



·  Associate Dean of International Affair and CFD, College of Medicine, I-Shou University

·  Professor, Department of Healthcare Administration, College of Medicine, I-Shou University



PhD    University of Alberta, 1980

          Major: Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Minor in Computer Assisted Learning

MEd   University of Alberta, 1969

          Major: Educational Psychology, Minor in Computer Assisted Learning

BEd   University of Alberta, 1966

BSc   University of Alberta, 1965

         Major: Zoology, Minor in Chemistry



·Diploma in Guidance & Counselling, University of Alberta, 1968, Vocational Counselling

·Professional Teaching Certificate, University of Alberta, 1966, Science



·New York International Film Festival Multimedia Competition: Bronze Medal in 1994 for laser videodisc “The Parent Information System on Asthma”, co-recipient.

·New York International Film Festival Multimedia Competition: Bronze Medal (highest award in category) in 1993 for laser videodisc “Juvenile Diabetes Parent Information System”, co-recipient

·World Health Organization – Medical Educational Consultant, 1988–2010

·I.B.M. Research Fellowship, 1973

·Federal Educational Guidance & Counselling Bursary, 1967-1968



· Professor and Associate Dean, 2010 - Present, Department of Healthcare Administration, i-Shou Medical College, i-Shou University Yanchao Campus, Kaohsiung County, Taiwan

·Professor, July 1, 1997- 2010, Department of Community Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta

·Professor, July 1, 1997, Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta

· Professor, July 1, 1997-1998, Office of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta

·Associate Professor, 1987 – 1997, Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta

· Associate Professor, 1987 – 1997, Department of Community Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta

·Associate Professor, 1982 – 1997, Office of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta

·Assistant Professor, 1972 – 1982, Office of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta

·Educational Psychologist, 1977 – 1980, Office of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta

·Graduate Teaching Assistant, 1975 – 1976, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta

·Graduate Teaching Assistant, 1969 – 1971, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta

·Student Teacher Supervisor, 1967 – 1968, Department of Vocational and Industrial Education, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta

·Science Teacher, 1966 – 1967, Edmonton Board of Education, Edmonton, Alberta



1.Tsai TC, Harasym PH, Eliasziw M. Inequities in the Distribution of Physician Workforce Around the World, submitted for publication 2010 to Bulletin of the World Health Organization.

2.Munshi FM, AlJarallah BM, Tsai TC, Harasym PH. Knowledge Structure, Problem Solving Strategy and Diagnostic Accuracy at Three Expertise Levels, submitted for publication 2010 to Canadian Medical Education Journal..

3.Munshi FM, Tsai TC, Harasym PH. Scores Equated on High Stake OSCEs Administrated from 2006-2009 to Determine Shift in Outcomes to be submitted for publication.

4.Tsai TC, Harasym PH. A medical ethical reasoning model and its contributions to medical education., Accepted for publication in Medical Education 2010.

5.Harasym PH, Tsai T-C, Hemmati P,  Current Trends in Developing Medical Students Critical Thinking Abilities. The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences July 2008, 24 (7)

6.Tsai TC, Lin CH, Violato C, Harasym PH. Students’ perception on medical professionalism: the psychometric perspective. Medical Teacher 2007;29(2-3): 128-134

7.Harasym PH, Woloschuk W. Cunning L. Desired and Undesired Variance in Communication Skills Scores Assessed in OSCEs. Advances in Health Sciences Education, June 2007

8.Tsai T-C, Harasym PH, Nijssen-Jordan C, Powell G. Learning gains derived from a high fidelity simulation in emergency department. Journal of Formos Medical Association, July 2006; 105(1): 94-98

9.Tsai T-C, Harasym PH. Challenges of Pediatric Residency Training in Taiwan. Acta Pediatra Tw. 2006. 47(1): 3-6

10.Woloschuk W. Mandin H. Harasym PH, Lorscheider F. Retention of Basic Science Knowledge: A comparison between Body Systems and Clinical Presentation Curricula. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 2004: 16#2 (116-122)

11. Harasym PH, Temple W, Woloschuck W. Attitude Changes During Medical School; a cohort study. Medical Education. May 2004, 38#5 (522-534)

12.Coderre S, Mandin H, Harasym PH, Fick GH, Diagnostic reasoning strategies and diagnostic success. Medical Education 2003;37:695–703

13.Tsai T-C, Harasym PH, Nijssen-Jordon C. Jennett P. Powell G. The Quality of A Simulation Examination Using a High Fidelity Child Manikin. Medical Education 2003;37 (Suppl. 1):72-78

14.Lawson, D.M., Harasym, P.H.  Using standardized patients to identify stringent/ lenient examine and to correct for examiner and standardized patient performance. The Journal of Chiropractic Education, Volume 17, Number 1, page 19, March 2003.

     iLawson D., Harasym PH.  Using Standardized Examinees to Identify Stringent/Lenient Examiners and to Correct Examiner and Standardized Patient Performance. The Journal of Chiropractic Education Volume 17. Number 1. Association of Chiropractic Colleges Educational Conference X. March 12-15, 2003.

15.Harasym PH., Christobel K.  The Appropriate Use of Aptitude Tests for Selecting    

     i. Medical Students.  The Meducator , July 2002.

16.Patterson R., Harasym PH.  Educational instruction on hospital information  

     i. system for medical students during their surgical rotation.  JAMA March 2001; 8:111-116.

17.Smith F, Harasym PH, Mandin H, Lorscheider F.  Development and Evaluation of a Research Project program for Medical Students at the University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine.  Academic Medicine February 2001, 75:76, No 2/77-82.

18.Mandin H, Harasym PH, Woloschuk W, Custers EJ, Stuyt PM, De Vries Robbé PF. Clinical problem solving and the clinical presentation curriculum. Academic Medicine 2000; 75:1043-1045.